Selmy Ch. Silhouette's Ser Barristan
GChB. Silhouette's Ser Jorah ROM (multi group placer)
Dam: La Maison Au Contraire ROMX
Owner(s): Elizabeth Heckert & Stephanie Hentschel
Breeder(s): Elizabeth Heckert
Like his sire, Selmy is named after a knight on Game of Thrones. He is co-owned with Stephanie Hentschel who showed him to his championship in short order! He finished with 4 majors out of the puppy class at 11mos old, becoming Jorah's first champion. He lives in Michigan at DarRight Pomeranians.Dam: La Maison Au Contraire ROMX
Owner(s): Elizabeth Heckert & Stephanie Hentschel
Breeder(s): Elizabeth Heckert