
2025.03.10 APC Brags

Alicent was Best Junior Puppy in Sweepstakes at the APC National specialty at exactly 6 months old!! Our girls put in a strong performance in the regular classes with three 2nd place class wins and a 4th place for our 4 entries.

2024.11.24 Little boy available

We have a darling little boy available!

2024.10.11 Marcy new CH!

Marcy was WB/BOW/BOS today in Maryland for her final point! Finishing in just 8 shows!

2024.09.21 Happy Pom-O-Ween!

The Poms are celebrating Halloween in Hanover, VA this October 5 at the PCCV's annual Puppy Match as well as Halloween Costume contest! Details here: PCCV Pom-O-Ween.

2024.08.24 Tasty new CH!

Tasty becomes our 75th AKC Champion, finishing with her 3rd major shown by Maryann Payne!

2024.07.11 Luther's visit

We are thrilled to welcome Luther (Am/Can Ch. Chriscendo Charmed Robbery) for a visit through March 2025. We look forward to seeing his first puppies here in the USA!

2024.04.20 Jesper new CH

Jesper finished his championship at the Pomeranian Club of Greater Baltimore specialty, winning the breed out of the classes over 5 specials at the Toy Dog specialty, followed by BOW at the specialty itself, for back-to-back 5 pt majors!

2024.02.19 Puppy boom!

We have been blessed with 6 male puppies in February! We are currently taking names for 2-3 of them to be placed in companion homes around May 2024. Send us an application to be considered for our waitlist.

2023.11.04 Remy majors!

Currently have a male and female puppy available! We had a great time at the 2023 PCCV Specialty! Remy picked up back to back 5 pt majors at his first two shows and Tasty was WB on Friday for a 5 pt major also!

2023.10.27 Fall update

Keanu and Mage finished their championships over the summer, bringing Kasian to a total of 12 AKC champions (so far!) from his visit to the USA!

2023.05.12 Now accepting deposits

We have recently decided to change our policy and accept a few deposits for future puppies. Please see available page for details.

2023.02.26 Nationals coming up!

The 2023 APC National Specialty is just around the corner! This year I will be judging Puppy and Veteran Sweepstakes so I will not be showing any of my dogs. I can't wait to see all my Pom friends and their beautiful puppies!

2023.01.28 Trixie major

Trixie debuted winning a 3 pt major at her first show!

2022.11.02 Kasian ROM

Our visitor Kasian completed his Register of Merit title today with his 6th American champion finishing!

2022.10.15 Keanu wins 2nd major

Keanu returns to the ring after a 6 month break winning a 5 pt major!